Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We all have been kinda busy so the old house has been a little forgotten. They still had some stuff over there and it needed to be cleaned so they can put it on the market. So we got up early and headed over there with our vacuum and cleaning supplies and dug in. It really went a lot faster than I thought it would, but it still took most of the day. We did have to take a break for my doctors appointment in the middle of the day. Mary packed the rest of the stuff, I cleaned and Johnny watched little Daph.
My doc appointment went really well and I was very happy to find out that I am only 2lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. My belly is very flabby so I need to do some sit-ups, but other than that I feel I am back to my old form. I am determined to find time to do yoga and take a mama and baby stroller workout class while I am in Dominica this semester. Here's to weight loss goals!

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