Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rethinking my blog.

So I have not been doing very well with my blog lately and I have been kinda down about it. I guess its because it hasn't turned out how I pictured it. When I go back and read old posts, it seems boring to read. I also am a person that needs positive reinforcement and I just feel like no one reads or is interested in my blog. I have felt like just giving up on it all together, but I know if I do I will regret it. I was talking to Johnny about it this morning and he said its because I don't put myself into my blog. I don't talk about anything except Daphne. He said its nice to have updates of her, but it would also be nice to read about other things. Things I care about or like. Things That inspire me. So I'm going to turn over a new leaf and start being me on my blog. I'm going to share myself and my family and hopefully you will join us on the ride. 


  1. I love reading your blog, and I apologize for not making as many comments as I should. I agree with Johnny though. More heart, more passion, more details. Yay! I'm excited to "get into your brain" more! Excited to see you!! Also, I find that the more vulnerable and the more I put myself out there with deeper topics, feelings, the more people comment. It's interesting.

  2. I feel like no one reads mine either because I rarely get comments, but then I run into people (a lot of people) who know what's going on in my life because they read my blog, they just don't comment. Anyway, I write in mine for me. It's my family's public journal and if I accomplish documenting the things we do and the moments that mean the most, then I've recorded precious memories...and that has value regardless if anyone else ever reads it.

  3. i love your blog too!! don't stop, it's the only way i can keep up with you!! :)

  4. I read your blog Tracy! And love it :)

  5. I read your blog all the time and love the updates!!

  6. I read your blog and love all the updates! I am just bad about commenting, but am trying to comment much more often on all the blogs I read! I love reading about Daph and seeing photos, but I do think it's fun to see your sewing projects, recipes, photos of you and your family, and other things like that, too :) Just keep being wonderful you, Tracy!!!
