Thursday, March 29, 2012


For the last two years I have had a lot of free time. At first it was fun not having to have a schedule, but I'm really missing having a purpose. Being a mom is so fulfilling, but I also feel like it is very important to have something for myself. I have my sewing, but it is an expensive hobby. Maybe not that expensive, but for a med students wife it is. I have been thinking recently that I am going to start doing genealogy. 
Both of Johnny's parents are converts to the church, so there is lots of work to be done on their side. Now I just need to learn how to do it all.
 It will take time, but I think that's the point.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rethinking my blog.

So I have not been doing very well with my blog lately and I have been kinda down about it. I guess its because it hasn't turned out how I pictured it. When I go back and read old posts, it seems boring to read. I also am a person that needs positive reinforcement and I just feel like no one reads or is interested in my blog. I have felt like just giving up on it all together, but I know if I do I will regret it. I was talking to Johnny about it this morning and he said its because I don't put myself into my blog. I don't talk about anything except Daphne. He said its nice to have updates of her, but it would also be nice to read about other things. Things I care about or like. Things That inspire me. So I'm going to turn over a new leaf and start being me on my blog. I'm going to share myself and my family and hopefully you will join us on the ride. 

My Marvelous Monday

I have really loved fifth semester, because I feel I have seen Johnny a lot more than I used to. In Dominica he would study at school and would be gone most all day. Now he studies at home. He also has had some time that he can take breaks and go out. On Monday he did. 

We headed out after a lazy morning and did some shopping. Then it was on to the main attraction of the day, THE HUNGER GAMES!

My dear brother Arlo sent us a Fandango gift card for Christmas and I knew exactly what movie I wanted to use it on. I enjoyed to books, just as so many others did, so it was obvious we were going to go. Daphne was such a good girl daddy had to go in the "hall' part of the theater a couple time, but just because she was talking to the movie screen. She especially liked the part when the scary dogs jumped out. Seriously she was cracking up, she thought they were funny. Johnny had to tell all the parts they left out, and all the plot holes of the story, but I enjoyed it. I usually am the same when I watch a beloved book that they adapted to film, but this time was different. I purposely went in telling myself to ignore that it was book and think of it as separate from the books. I had a discussion with a friend about this and she said that when they make these books into movies you have to realize its just some one else's interpretation of the story, and to keep yours in your imagination. So I did and, it worked.

He also took us out to Olive Garden for Soup, Salad and Bread sticks. Always good! Yes, I love days with my husband!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

8 months!

I am so in love with my little girl! She is so fun and so stinking cute. Right now I'm having mommy brain and can't think of anything in particular that she is doing new, all I can say is she is growing up. This last month went by two fast. When I realized it was her 8 month birthday I couldn't remember where the month had gone.
She is back to screaming instead of babbling and she has started to fake laugh again. At first you think she is coughing, but when you listen a little closer you realize she is "laughing". Its so funny. She has such a fun little personality. She hasn't been to a doctor since we got back to America, but with my measuring she is 28 inches long and probably about 20 pounds. She has the cutest rolls on her thighs and that is where she is the most ticklish. I think she is going through a growth spurt right now because her sleeping has been a little off.

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Blue and Yellow Chair

This is just a little something I always want to remember about our stay here in the hotel.

She always seems to find her way under this chair. She loves to peek out from under it, and I love to see her smiling face peeking up at me.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bathing Babes

Yesterday we headed to the beach for the first time since we got here. Johnny didn't get to come because he had class, but we did go with our friends. It was a B-E-A-Utiful day. The only sad thing was that the current was to strong for us to get in the water. Sitting and playing on the sand with Bennett was good enough for Daphne though.

Isn't he so cute! I love his big eyes and curly hair and he always has the biggest smile. They play with each other pretty well, but I may have a future bully on my hands. She likes to pinch and pull on his hair. Even though she is younger she is the bigger of the two and I guess she thinks it means she's the boss. 

The beach here is so different from Dominica. There was no shade. The sand is white and the water is teal blue, and there were a lot more people. I hope we get to take daddy with us next time. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Look how far we've come.

Five years ago today my greatest dream came true. Johnny and I got married for all eternity! Looking back on those years we have come so far and done so many things I never thought in a million years would happen. We have had such a fun life together. We have both grown so much. We have changed, but we still love each other so much. Johnny is such a good husband and such a good dad. He makes me so much better than I am on my own. We were made for each other. 
So I wanted to surprise Johnny and take him out, but things didn't work out exactly right so no surprise, but we did have a nice dinner. We didn't have Daphne with us, and even though I missed her it was nice not to have to take care of her during our dinner together. We got to talk and relax and enjoy a nice dinner. 
Love you babe, can't wait to see what the next five years bring.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Baby in the Mirror

I have not been very good at doing my blog recently. Mostly because I have not been spending nearly as much time on my computer. In Dominica it would be on all day everyday, but here I maybe get on three time a week and just to look stuff up. 

We have been having lots of fun. We made great new friends in church and we played with them a couple times last week. We also have had a lot of daddy time the last couple weeks. That is about to end though. Tomorrow he starts another hospital stint. This one won't be as intense. Its only half a day twice a week. He is going to be doing Internal Medicine. School has been going well and going by fast. 5th semester is almost over. Only four more weeks, can you believe it!?!